Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 29 down, 11 to go

I'm tired. It was a long, busy weekend. We had a lot of fun - but I'm tired! I'm ready to have a free weekend and do nothing. I'm ready to sleep in, sit around the house, watch trash TV and do nothing. We haven't had a free weekend since the first weekend in April. And I know free time is going to be hard to come by when the baby is born. We are going out of town this coming weekend but after that - NO MORE! No more trips, no more packing in everything we can into a weekend, no more over committing ourselves! It's time to relax and get ready for the baby.

This past weekend was crazy - on Saturday some family friends hosted a huge baby shower for us. We had A LOT of fun. People came from all over the state (and beyond) just for our party - talk about feeling special. I got to spend time with people I haven't seen in over 5 years, others that I just get to see once a year or so and some that I see on a regular basis. We have some VERY generous friends. We spent over an hour opening gifts. It was a tight squeeze getting everything home in my CRV - trunk was packed and 3/4 of the backseat was full. I haven't had time to look at everything again but WOW! This little girl's room is full.

I've almost completed my "assignment" from my OB for this week - find Emily a doctor. I got a couple of recommendations from friends and did some insurance research - I just need to call their office and get everything set up. Another thing to check off of my list. Now I need to schedule tours of a few daycares and pick one.

On to the "Food of the Week" - this week Emily weighs as much as a butternut squash, about 2.5 pounds and is just over 15 inches long. Her head is growing (I hope not too big), lungs and muscles are maturing. Her bones are hardening and she's growing. I've been feeling pretty good, heartburn sucks, but other than that I'm doing alright. It's back to the doctor next week - I'm very happy my doctor has an office down the road from work. Makes these appointments much easier!

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