Thursday, March 11, 2010

Not Doing It Alone

One of my biggest faults is trying to do everything on my own. I don't like to ask others for help.

After Emily was born the need and desire to be "super mom" came on really, really strong. I tried and tried and tried to make it happen. I tried have a happy baby, clean house, to make dinner every night, to be a good wife, to make it look like I had everything in order, and to make it look like it was a breeze and I didn't need any help.

I failed. And failed miserably.

I was stressed and miserable. I was always frustrated with Brad (for no reason - he was just an easy target), frustrated the situation, frustrated with the lack of time and frustrated with myself for not being able to "do it all". That frustration just grew when I went back to work.

In the last month or so I've really been thinking about this fault and making an effort to give things up. I've been trying to step back and appreciate things and people around me. I've been trying to ask for help around the house, I've been trying to let the little things that get under my skin go. I've haven't conquered this fault (never will) but I'm making an effort.

And and know what - it's getting a little bit easier.

I'm a huge fan of Lisa Leondard. I love her blog and her jewlery. Lisa has such an awesome way of saying a lot with very few words. It's greatness. And her jewlery is just beautiful. Monday morning I read her blog and was reminded, once again, to let things go. That's it's not the end of the world if things don't get done. Below are the words from her post that day. If you want to see the pictures (she's also a great photographer) that go along with it, check out Lisa's post.

today i’m gonna let some stuff go
i’m going to give up on trying to have it all together.
i’m going to admit i’m not perfect.
i mean, is it really THAT big of a deal if i
get the kids to school late-don’t return every email today-or-eat too much chocolate?
will the world end if i don’t
bathe the kids-cook dinner-or-have all the laundry folded?
and instead of feeling guilty
i’m going to feel victorious
because letting go of perfection means
i’m spending more time with my kids
keeping my sanity (and not losing my temper)
and finding freedom to breathe easier

I hope her words remind you, like they reminded me, that it's not the to-do list or chores that really matter. This is what really matters

Enjoy your day!

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